At One Minute Miracle, we love to share all the secrets for hydrogen peroxide beyond simple wound cleaning and hair bleaching that most people are familiar with. If you — like most of the general population — believe that the brown bottle in your medicine cabinet has limited uses, we are here to prove otherwise! We offer higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (12% hydrogen peroxide and 35% hydrogen peroxide) that can be used for a variety of applications. In today’s post, we’ll review 12 things you can do with 35% hydrogen peroxide.
Before we jump into what you can do with 35% hydrogen peroxide, it’s important to understand that 35% peroxide can be diluted to nearly any concentration, including popular concentrations such as 0.1%, 1%, 3%, and 6%, and we share how to do that on our website —to do this, mix 1 oz of 35% hydrogen peroxide with 4 oz of distilled water (1:4). And, a few hydrogen peroxide safety tips to keep in mind:
35 Hydrogen peroxide can irritate the eyes, skin, and respiratory system. Always use safety precautions when mixing and using hydrogen peroxide. We suggest wearing rubber kitchen gloves and protective goggles or eyewear.
- Never mix hydrogen peroxide with ammonia, vinegar, or bleach.
1. De-skunk the smell.
That’s right, to remove the smell of skunk spray from skin, fur, or fabric, dilute 35% hydrogen peroxide to 3% enough to make a quart (32 oz) —to make a quart, dilute 8 oz of 35% hydrogen peroxide into 32 oz of distilled water (8:32). Add ¼ cup baking soda and a few drops of grease-cutting dish soap to the quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Use the solution as a shampoo or soap, working it into a lather on the affected area. Rinse and repeat until the skunky smell is gone!
2. General deodorizer.
Speaking of de-stinking, peroxide is a natural deodorizer. Mix 3% hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to create a paste and leave in an open container in stinky areas, such as the refrigerator or basement. As the baking soda breaks down the hydrogen peroxide, it will absorb funky smells in the air.
3. Acne treatment.
Using a small amount of diluted 35% hydrogen peroxide —dilute to at least 3%, but further for sensitive skin— on facial acne can help treat and dry pimples. Ensure you keep the peroxide out of your eyes, mouth, and nose!
4. Vegetable cleanser.
Use a few drops of 35% hydrogen peroxide added to a spray bottle of water and leave in your kitchen to use on fruits and vegetables. Just a spritz and gentle rubbing before rinse in the sink will remove dirt, pesticides, wax, residue, and microbes.
5. Detoxifying bath.
For a truly deep detox, add 12 oz of
35% hydrogen peroxide to a full bathtub and soak for 20-30 minutes.
6. Natural athlete’s foot remedy.
To naturally treat athlete’s foot or other fungal infections, add 6 oz of 35% hydrogen peroxide to a gallon of distilled water and soak feet for up to 30 minutes nightly until the symptoms have resolved.
7. Household cleaner.
Add 1-2 oz of 35% hydrogen peroxide to distilled water and keep in a spray bottle for use as a general household disinfectant. It is particularly useful on toilets and cutting boards to kill harmful bacteria.
8. Stain remover.
Add a ¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide to your load of laundry as a bleach alternative or apply a small amount of diluted peroxide directly to the stain. Don’t let the peroxide dry on the stain, wash immediately as you normally would.
9. Oral rinse.
To treat canker sores, mouth wounds, thrush, and gum infections, rinse with diluted hydrogen peroxide twice a day, brushing immediately after. Optimize the rinse by brushing with baking soda after swishing to help whiten teeth. Rinse your mouth with water thoroughly after brushing.
10. Plant treatments.
Has fungus taken up root in your houseplants? While this is a sign of overwatering, simply dehydrating your plants will not solve the problem (and will only serve to kill your plants!). Using a solution of 4 oz of 35% hydrogen peroxide in a quart-sized spray bottle, spritz your plants once a day every day until the fungal problem is resolved.
11. Clean appliances.
Appliances that use water, such as your washing machine and dishwasher, create a constant moist condition that is a breeding ground for bacteria and algae. Every once in a while, give your appliances a spa day by running an empty load using just hydrogen peroxide. Some online recipes suggest adding baking soda and essential oils to leave behind a nice smelling appliance.
12. Sterilize toothbrushes and make-up brushes.
Toothbrushes and make-up brushes are germ factories. They are exposed to bacteria and moisture regularly and used only intermittently, leaving plenty of opportunity for microbes to multiply. It is recommended to replace make-up brushes and toothbrushes every 90 days or every time you are sick. We recommend extending the life of these products and keeping you healthier by regularly soaking them in hydrogen peroxide. First, use a gentle shampoo to remove makeup from makeup brushes and then mix a solution of 2 cups water and ½ teaspoon 35% hydrogen peroxide. Soak for 10 minutes, rinse thoroughly, and air dry. Enjoy a germ-free brush!
And, there you have it, 12 everyday uses for 35% hydrogen peroxide. This is by no means an exhaustive list of its uses. For more ways to use this powerful chemical, read our book, The One-Minute Cure. Visit us online to purchase 12% hydrogen peroxide for use in your home today!